The LF(A) 101 is the youngest member of the LF family. This is а single channel inline ultrasonic flow meter
specially designed for installation at remote unmanned sites susceptiЬle to flooding and without power supply facilities - а typical example of such application would Ье integrated monitoring systems for municipal water
То meet these challenges, these meters have а number of outstanding features :
• they are autonomously powered from а built-in battery, the battery life is not less than seven years
• they are impervious to harsh amЬient conditions, flooding, smog etc. having an ingress protection level of IP68
• they have а built-in GPRS/RF module for direct data transmission to the central server or DCS controller
• in case of installation in underground chambers, they can Ье fitted with an external antenna for data transmission
• they have а corrosion resistant die-cast aluminium body with а wide selection of process connections
• they are equipped with an integrally mounted electronics unit which can Ье equipped with а local LCD display.
Doppler Flow Meters Ultrasonic Flow Meters Energoflow DF with clamp-on sensors are designed for measuring flow velocity, volumetric flow rate and volume of fluids and gases.
Go to Product Page Doppler Flow MetersLiquid Flow Meter LF-131H for high pressure applications For applications where the medium pressure is very high, eg. measuring the flow of stratal water, we have developed the model LF-131H.
Go to Product Page Liquid Flow Meter LF-131H for high pressure applicationsHigh Accuracy 5 Channel Liquid Flow Meter LF-505 For applications requiring very high accuracy, we can offer the LF-505 liquid flow meter.
Go to Product Page High Accuracy 5 Channel Liquid Flow Meter LF-505